A couple of Saturday's ago I performed a not-so-scientific taste test consisting of three racks of ribs purchased from Sam's Club rubbed with three kinds of rubs I happened to have in the pantry-- The BBQ Guy's Original Spice Rub, HomeBBQ.com Rib Rub, and Billy Bones' Original BBQ Rub.

Three racks of ribs rubbed up and ready for the cooker. I usually marinate them in the refrigerator overnight, but this time I put them straight on the cooker.

Even though it's upside down, this picture shows the ribs after flipping them meat-side-up. Just prior to the final stages of cooking.

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Brian, you said this was a taste TEST; what were the results?!?
Hi Curt,
I took these over to the neighbors in styrofoam turn-in boxes just the real thing and the husband picked Home BBQ and the wife picked Billy Bones. But they both said that it was the sauce that really did it for them.
They said they liked the tangy sauce taste, which is kind of interesting because I used the same sauce on all three racks, so I guess they really could taste the rub.
All three are good and all three have won awards.
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