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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Smokey Bones Chain Sold to Sun Capital Partners
The article goes on to explain that the new owners plan to add more beer and adult frozen drinks to the menu.
I've got a suggestion for the new owners, how about focusing on improving the quality of the barbecue?
If adding drinks to the menu would fix their ills, don't you think Darden would have figured that out already?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Open Hearth Cooking in Mugnaini Pizza Oven
With models ranging in size from 9 sq. ft. to 28 sq. ft. (big enough for fourteen 12" pizzas), there is an oven that's just right for your back yard, kitchen, or restaurant.
Based on my online research, you can purchase a very nice oven for the back yard that costs in the range of $3,000 plus installation costs.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Pork, Brisket and Chicken Leg Quarters
It was a glorious day for 'queing. December in Florida is really nice.
I injected two pork butts with apple juice with some clover honey mixed into it and rubbed them up with Smokin' Guns' Mild.
I trimmed the fat cap from the 13 lb. packer brisket purchased at the local butcher shop and rubbed it down with The BBQ Guy's Southern BBQ Rub.
I applied Smokin' Guns' Mild to some leg quarters and marinaded them in some Newman's Own salad dressing for three hours before cooking.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Instant Read Pocket Thermometer

The Thermopen will display the temperature reading within 3 or 4 seconds. My Taylor digital thermometer takes up to 15 seconds to register a "final" reading.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
BBQ Gift Ideas
This year I thought I'd put together a series of posts that provide bbq gift ideas that range in size from small to large and in price from cheap to expensive.
Let's start off with perhaps the most popular question I've received this year, "What do I get the barbecuer that already has everything?"
My response: Lodge cast iron of course.

This 4-quart Lodge cast iron dutch oven is large enough for baking, but still small enough for chili, stew, or even frying fish. The "camp oven" is my preferred style, because it allows you to put the charcoal on the lid for roasting. You can buy this oven on ebay, from Amazon, or if you live near South Pittsburg, TN -- you buy directly from the Lodge outlet store.
Accessories that will go nicely with the dutch oven include a lid lifter and lid stand. There is also a nice video by Johnny Nix that will help you barbecuer learn more about the versatility of Lodge cast iron.
If you're the type of person that likes to "see it before you buy it", Lodge products are also available at most popular outdoor stores, such as Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's.
Friday, November 30, 2007
BBQ Trivia Quiz Game
I have found a neat bbq game that you might want to try. It's surprisingly interesting. If you take the "quiz", come back and let us know how you did. (I scored 7 correct out of 10).
Thursday, November 22, 2007
BBQ Catering Worksheet
It's also useful for family events. How many times have you cooked for family reunions and gatherings and run out of food? How many times have you blown your budget or cooked too much food? This worksheet can help solve those problems too.
Building a Brick BBQ Pit

This post originally appeared last year, but I thought it was time to bring it back to the "top of the blog".
I'm honored to bring Rich Sterling to you this week as a guest poster on the BBQ Blog (Part 1 or a 3 Part series). If you've ever thought about, wondered about, or plan to build a brick bbq pit in the future, take note.
2/17/2006--Here in Upstate NY, near Albany, we really don't have anything available to us to just stop by and just EAT! About the closest to real BBQ in my area was a local place called "Tex's BBQ" in Albany, NY which is now out of business. Then we have Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse and NYC. We have a few local caterers that do the local benefit functions, etc. if you don't mind paying about $9.00 for a quarter chicken cooked over charcoal. That just wasn't cutting it for me so I decided to build my own pit.
With spring just around the corner, now is the time I started my research last year (2005) on "How to build a brick BBQ". I knew what I wanted but never working with bricks and mortar before in my life, I was a little nervous going into this project. I'm a computer support technician by day and an avid woodworking hobbyist. In addition to the taste of genuine slow cooked BBQ, I have always enjoyed the pleasant aroma of various woods used during an all day cookout or even a campfire. Just the same, there's nothing like the smell of fresh cut cherry in my shop when I'm working on a woodworking project. I knew I wanted to build something that would be functional as a BBQ/Smoker pit, be an asthetically pleasing focal point in my yard, AND relatively inexpensive. Basically it would have to please me AND my wife.
The following will be a series of articles on Research and Planning, Design and Design-as-you-go construction, and the best part - Using the Pit.
I surfed and surfed and came up with a few good ideas from the Internet. Another decent source of information was a paperback book called Building Barbecues & Outdoor Kitchens by Sunset books. Once I got the basic shape in mind I had to determine the overall space I had to work with. Of course, in my particular situation I had just got a stamped concrete patio poured so I knew exactly what I had to work with. (10 feet).
You must also take into consideration, your surroundings. Going with a design that includes a fireplace as mine does, it does generate some heat. You really don't want it directly under any low trees! You'll need a chimney cover to keep sparks to a minimum and to keep precipitation from entering down your flue. You should also leave plenty of space around the entire perimeter, with of course plenty of space in the front for lounging.
Since mine is on my poured patio I'm confident it can handle the weight. Concrete is cheap, go thick enough! Maybe even go wide enough to include a nice hearth area or an area for sitting, but I recommend at least a couple of feet for sparks, etc. The weight of the truck that dropped off my materials was enough to crush my driveway, no water added. Each one of those yellow bags of mortar you see in the photos are 80 pounds each. You cringe each time you have to open a new bag.
Along with the research I had to do on my initial design, I had NO experience whatsoever in masonry. If you're in the same arena as me, you might want to do a smaller practice project somewhere in your yard BEFORE mixing your first batch of mortar and going to town. If I had to do it all over again, I would have definately practiced first! Although I learned a lot by trial and error, sometimes the knowledge gained was a little too late. It made for a lot of scrubbing and cleaning in the long run
and a lot of mis-aligned or loose brick and block right from the start.
Since this IS a masonry project, I highly recommend consulting with a TRUE Mason BEFORE starting the job. I found that getting several opinions and suggestions from "ALMOST" Masons resulted in too many varying opinions and when it came down to it, in 90 degree heat, neither bickering over which way was best OR undoing/redoing work was NOT what I enjoyed the most about this project, especially with all the pre-planning I thought I had done.
There are several good websites out there which offer great advice for the novice. In addition to your research on barbeques another good resource for methods and ideas are brick pizza and bread ovens. My original design had a small brick oven that was going on the left side. Due to space limitations and time constraints, I had to nix it in the end. Now I really wish I inlcuded it. Time is also another factor you really need to have planned out from the very beginning.
So, you have an idea in mind where do you go from there? Get some graph paper and start with a basic sketch. Next, since I'm an avid computer geek as well I open the Paintbrush program that most everyone has already on their computers and I started pulling in basic images of ideas I liked. I actually saved these files too but have since lost them because I wasn't a [i]good enough[/i] computer geek! (Long story, but Earthlink is no longer my friend!) So now I have a rough draft of what I wanted it to look like and how I wanted it to function. I was ready to start ordering materials...but how many and how much?
Some of the articles on the Internet had actually included the quantity of bricks, blocks and mortar others have used in their projects. This was very helpful and gave a good starting point. Then once I had a rough idea in mind of the quantities I thought I needed, I went to my local brick supplier. The salesman also had a way to calculate the quantity of mortar I would need based on the amount of bricks I was purchasing.
I started with (20) 80 pound bags and purchased an additional (8) bags by the time the job was complete. The other thing I had done to calculate the total number of materials was to simply count the number of bricks in a certain amount of rows, etc. and then multiply by the number of rows I thought I had to go to obtain my total height. Even with all the pre-planning I had done, I ended up making several trips to the brickyard with my own truck for additional brick and block. I beleive the total count of red "backer brick" I used was 1,000. I also used 4x8x16 hollow block for the back and sides which saved me a little. The red backer brick were .42 cents each and the block were .72 cents each. Bags of mortar were somewhere around $7.50 each.
The most difficult part to plan ahead of time was the ceiling. Again, I knew what I wanted to do but I couldn't find any detailed examples to give me an idea ahead of time on how to construct it and tie it in all together. I knew the fundamentals of how to build the ceiling so I went to my local metal scrap yard and I was able to pick up various lengths of extruded aluminum 5/16" thick angle stock. Since it was a friend that owned the scrap yard I couldn't really be choosy about the donation :)
I stopped to my local steel mill who has a scrap pile you can pick through for .50 cents a pound. There, I was to pick up some flat iron stock and some longer angle iron. These are the pieces I used across the top lenghtwise to hold up my chimney flue and my ceiling of firebrick on the inside.
Once I ordered all of my materials from the brickyard, the truck showed up a couple days later and it was all at the top of my driveway waiting for me when I got home, on a Friday no less. I thought I was golden having the whole weekend ahead of me. I had my basic idea all laid out in Microsoft Paintbrush by now, so with printed copy in hand I started dry-stacking everything. I had everything all dry stacked in 2 hours flat. Piece of cake, now all I need to do is mix up some mortar tomorrow and "glue it all together".
Yeah, right. This whole thing took me from May to July!
CONSTRUCTION: Article coming soon. Stay tuned or check out the rest of the photos at http://www.richsterling.com/ !
USE: Article also coming soon... detailed pics as the weather warms up of our spring and summer entertaining.
Brick BBQ Pit
Want to learn how to make money online?
Click here
Want to BBQ for a Living?

You may want to read this book first.
Slow Smoked Success: Provocative Thoughts on Business, Life and BBQ
"A good piece of BBQ can be judged by many things. But the two most prevalent points are, after you eat a piece you want more. Second point is 2 hours later you should still be tasting it. BBQ does that to you, but so do many other things. This book is written to help appreciate the little things in life by drawing comparisons between good BBQ, Business and Life in general."
Lee Bentch's insightful account of his quest for barbecue offers a fresh perspective and presents barbecue for what it should be...fun.
It would make a good gift for most any barbecue fan.
BBQ Books
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Peoria Custom Cookers
They build offsets suitable for catering, back yard smoking, and competition cooking from big to small and just about everything in between.
And if the website doesn't convince you, I'll add this....none other than Bar-b-Quau of the KCBS competition circuit now cooks on a PCC cooker.
Friday, November 16, 2007
How to Carve a Turkey
From their website:
1. After roasting, cover the turkey with foil and let it stand for 15 minutes.
2. Transfer the bird to your largest cutting surface.
3. With a sharp, thin-bladed carving knife, find the place where the thighbone meets the body. By cutting between the joints, and not through bones, you can disconnect the bones without much fuss.
4. Pull the thigh away from the bird and slip your knife into the joint to separate the thigh from body.
5. Wiggle the drumstick to locate the joint that separates the drumstick from the thigh. Using the same technique, cut through the joint, not the bone.
6. Next use your knife to find where the wing and body connect. Slip your knife into the joint to separate wing from body on each side.
7. Now remove the breast, by cutting down the center of the bird on one side of the bone and the breast will come off in one piece.
8. Carve the breast into thin slices.
9. Repeat with the other side of the breast.
They also have a DVD available.
We plan to deep fry our turkey again this year after brining overnight in a salt and honey solution. It's become our favorite turkey recipe. I'll take a fried turkey over and oven baked turkey every time.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Barbecue Digest
Virginia Barbecue
I wrote an article a few weeks ago about Virginia Barbecue and the franchise by the same name. TheStreet.com included an article on this low cost bbq franchise concept today.
Bone Daddy's at the Mill BBQ
This Saginaw, MI restaurant features bbq and live entertainment.
Above Average BBQ
Mackie Hayes, owner, sells bbq from his barbecue chuck wagon. For Mackie, it's a family tradition.
Doc's Q'in Pit Stop
This Modesto, CA restaurant uses almond wood for their bbq.
British BBQ Invasion at Jack Daniels Cookoff
American-style barbecue receives some international recognition.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Akaushi Beef and Akaushi Brisket
This herd of beef cattle was brought to America in the early 1990's and safeguarded from American bulls for more than 10-years to preserve the Japanese bloodlines.
The largest provider of Akaushi beef in America is Heart Brand Beef, a natural, hormone free beef that is high in monounsaturated fat.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Carolina Rib King
BBQ Rib Festival - St. Pete Ribfest
Master's Degree in Barbecue Cooking
This Business Week article features a discussion of the Personal MBA, and it's inspired me to develop my own list of the best barbecue books, so you can earn your own Master's Degree in Barbecue Cooking (MDBC).
I will start the list with three of my favorite barbecue books:
- Smoke and Spice, by Bill and Cheryl Jamison
- Peace Love and Barbecue, by Mike Mills and Amy Mills Tunnicliffe
- Dr. BBQ's Big Time BBQ Cookbook, by Ray Lampe
...but I need your help.
My personal collection of barbecue books includes nine or ten books about barbecue and grilling. Not all of the books are what I'd describe as "required reading" for a MDBC degree, so I've left those that are less than my favorites off the list.
Please submit your own suggestions for bbq books that you would consider "essential reading" for anyone that is serious about dedicating themselves to learning the art of barbecue cooking by clicking the comments link below .
Suggestions from readers:
- Legends of Texas Barbecue, by Robb Walsh
- Smokestack Lightning, by Lolis Eric Elie and Frank Stewart
Old Town Chili Cookoff - Kissimmee Florida
If you have a cooking contest event that you'd like to see posted here, please let me know.
December 2, 2007
Old Town Truck N’ For Toys
Chili Cook-Off
5770 W. U.S. Highway
Kissimmee, FL
Name: _____________________________________________
Chili Name: __________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Phone#: ____________________________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________
Turn in for judging: 1:00P.M. Entry Fee: $20.00
Make checks payable to: Devereux of Florida (Charity of the day)
Mail entry form and check to: Candace Knight Arevalo
1385 Pinetta Circle
Wellington, FL 33414
CASI Sanctioned - CASI Rules. Chili Appreciation Society International – Top ten winners receive points towards going to the World Championship in Terlingua, Texas in November 2008. You do not have to be a member of CASI to participate in the chili cook-off. To learn more about CASI and CASI rules go to www.chili.org
This will be a fun event. Radio Disney and Entertainment until 6 PM the day of the chili cookoff. Old Town looks like an old town with bars, restaurants, and shops all down each row. There are rides for the kids at the end of the town. All the hotels listed below are walking distance from Old Town. Everyone stay at one of the hotels across the street. Cooks party Saturday night at The Blue Max in Old Town.
All Disney parks are right down the road so maybe you can plan a little vacation at one of the parks while your there.
Hotel accommodations walking distance from Old Town:
TROPICAL PALMS (Cabins and RV’s)
Hope to see you there,
Candi Knight-Arevalo
Friday, November 09, 2007
BBQ Ribs for 750 Guests
If my arithemetic is correct, it takes 2,250 "bones" to serve 750 people (750 servings multiplied by 3 bones each). Each rack of ribs has 13 bones, so 2,250 divided by 13 results in 172 racks of ribs.
I have two medium sized smokers with a total of 11 shelves will hold three racks of ribs each for a total capacity of 33 racks. Cooking ribs in such large quantities calls for a little creativity. Instead of placing the ribs flat on the racks, as is customary, I could triple the smoker capacity by using rib racks and cook 9 racks of ribs on each smoker shelf and raise the overall capacity to 99. But, realistically, to cook ribs for 750 people I would need two more smokers.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Meat Safety
The meat packaging industry is now using carbon monoxide to preserve the deep reddish color for consumers. The carbon monoxide helps the meat maintain the fresh look longer.
Another article from The Washington Post discusses whether the FDA should consider banning carbon monoxide treated meat from grocer shelves. Meat packers use this technique because it improves profitability. If consumers have a choice between purchasing a nice reddish color meat versus one that is not "fresh" looking (i.e. a color less than red), they'll most likely purchase the "redder" color every time.
The Consumer Federation of America is a consumer group that has petitioned the FDA to eliminate the use of carbon monoxide in meat packing. Seventy-eight out of a hundred people surveyed believe using carbon monoxide to treat meat is deceptive, according to a CFA press release dated September 2006.
I am in agreement that it's deceptive and believe the FDA should require labels on all meat that is packaged using these techniques to help maintain the appearance of freshness. And while they are at it, they should also require labels for any meat that is imported from outside the U.S.
This development is another example of the trust we place in those who prepare our food. I don't go to just any doctor that puts up a shingle and I don't buy my meat just anywhere, certainly not from a door to door salesman; and you shouldn't either.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Learning to BBQ
You can get a Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM) delivered from Amazon.com and then order your delivery of bbq rub from ButtRub.com. After a quick trip to Sam's Club for meat, lump charcoal, and supplies, you'll be cooking better than restaurant-quality bbq in no time.
There's no doubt that the web helps flatten the learning curve for those new to the bbq hobby. The quest for competition quality bbq that used to take 5 - 10 years to learn by hit or miss experimentation has been and can be shortened into 6 - 8 months. I've heard tell of some people that have started serious bbq cooking in February and by August they were competing in sanctioned bbq contests (yours truly included). I also know several people that recorded category and top 5 finishes within their first couple of contests (we won 1st place chicken in our second event). I say this to make the point that although the internet is a wonderful tool to research and learn, it can sometimes hamper a bbq team's development at the same time.
When learning anything new, some of the most valuable lessons are learned during that "newbie" time period when you "don't know what you don't know" (to borrow from Darrell Waltrip). During this experimentation period, new cooks are free to try anything and everything and they haven't yet developed tunnel vision when it comes to bbq.
Using a certain spice rub or sauce just because so and so does it and wins alot, is not necessarily the best approach to take. Although so and so might use a certain brand, the real "secret method" is the other stuff they add to it like honey, jelly, sugar, etc.; and sometimes those "additives" make the difference between winning occasionally and winning consistently.
It's human nature to want to take the easy route, but when it comes to consistently producing prize winning contest entries; I'm just not sure "easy" always wins.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
BBQ Blog Digest
Serious Eats discusses how to eat out like a local.
"Pull off the highway, engage a local. At the gas station, talk to not only the attendant but to the two or three local people standing at the pumps next to you. Ask them where they like to eat. Make it clear you aren’t looking for a chain—you’re looking for their best local food. Locals know the spots where prices are low, flavors are bold, and where everyone gathers."
GridSkipper.com has a article that rates New York City's best bbq.
"...New York has also experienced an onslaught of barbecue restaurants. Some have been deemed "authentic" by fans; some lack any resemblance to a Texas or Carolina outpost, but make up for it in taste. (And there are some that just plain suck.) "
And last, but not least...here's a bbq video trailer I found on You Tube titled Inside the World of Championship BBQ
Aging Beef
Their website explains that it's typical for beef carcasses to be aged about 7-days prior to butchering into retail cuts. The article goes on to explain that aging beef is more effective for older cows and for beef that is darker in color.
"in carcasses where lean was lighter in color, tenderness continued to improve during up to 16 days of aging....maintain the temperature at 30 to 35 degrees F while the beef carcass is being aged"
To learn more about the advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with the aging process, visit the University of Minnesota Extension via the world wide web.
Competition BBQ Secrets
Monday, October 29, 2007
BBQ Hall of Fame
From the website:
"The Barbeque Hall of Fame is a project to designed to preserve the contributions of some of the most important people in barbeque. In order to be listed in this web page, all nominees have to go through a process before being accepted to the BBQHOF."
This project is sponsored by Hawgeyes.com and is just getting started, but one of the first honorees is Arthur Bryant, Kansas City BBQ restauranteur. Arthur Bryant is honored in the businessess category and in the cooks category.
ProQ Water Smoker
I haven't seen one up close yet, but based on the pictures and brochure on the website they look promising. Their modular construction offers the flexibility to grill, roast, and smoke with the same basic unit.
The basic unit comes with a bottom section for the charcoal grate, middle section for the cooking grates, and top lid. You can add additional capacity by adding the optional "stacker" section.
Models available include the Amigo, Buckaroo, and Frontier, with the Stacker option to add additional capacity.
Atlanta BBQ Club
Now why didn't I think of that?
The website features links to Thompson Brothers BBQ, Hambones, and Fat Matts Rib Shack in the greater Atlanta area.
Bloody BBQ Chicken
We've had a good amount of success cooking bbq chicken in FBA and KCBS sanctioned contests. We've always cooked our chicken thighs "low and slow" to an internal temperature of 170 degrees. To this point we've never had an issue with the judges and I hate to jinx it by talking about it, but it's a topic worth exploring.
There's a discussion at HomeBBQ.com that talks about removing the veins in chicken thighs to help reduce the effect from "clotting" that even can cause blood to appear in chicken cooked to a conservatively high 180 degrees.
It sounds like I need to start paying more attention to my chicken thighs and try to "devein" them before my next cook. It can't hurt.
Competition BBQ Secrets
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Veranda Smoker Cover

BBQ Contest in Panama?
The FBA currently has more than 300 members and is adding 6 new contests to their schedule in 2008. They've sponsored contests in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee during the past seven years and now they've scheduled their first international event.
Panama Canal anyone?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hot Chili Pepper
To determine the level of heat in peppers, scientists measure the amount of capsaicin.
Competition BBQ Secrets
Pig in the Park - Florida Barbeque Association
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Jon El's BBQ - Boonville Missouri
It's kind of funny now that I've become a bbq afficianado, because growing up in Missouri I never ate bbq in a restaurant. I didn't know there was such a thing.
The location is great and decor is about what you'd expect from a small town restaurant or cafe. The restaurant has seating for about 30 people and plenty of parking.
I had beef brisket and several in our group had the bbq pork. For $7.95 the portion sizes are good. The marcaroni and cheese and the french fries were popular side items, but the bbq was dissapointing.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How to BBQ
Sarasota Ribfest

Linda and I attended the ribfest in Sarasota yesterday and learned a lot about how not to organize a bbq festival.
It was the first "ribfest" we've attended in person and we were excited about the experience. The ones I've read about and seen on television were boisterous affairs and well promoted with large crowds of spectators. Unfortunately, we left festival sorely dissapointed.
The event was held at the old Sarasota fairgrounds and admission was $7 per person. We paid our money and entered the event. They only had three vendors cooking bbq to go along with a beverage vendor, a hot tub distributor, and someone giving camel rides. The bbq was terrible, but you could eat it in an air conditioned building while listening to live entertainment.
Competition BBQ Secrets
We watched many, many dissapointed faces enter the event, hopeful for a real "ribfest", but almost angry to find a hodge podge festival that appeared "slapped" together at the last minute.
Next year, if there is another year for this event, they need to add 10-15 more rib vendors and promote the event better on television, in the newspaper, and on radio. It was so poorly attended that at one point I counted more police at the event than people eating bbq.
I applaud the air conditioned facility, but give a big thumbs down for the event overall. We should have saved the $35 we spent at the event and $25 we spent for gasoline and stayed home.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
BBQ Restaurant Menu
Do you agree?
Also, I'm thinking that if the restaurant is closed on Sundays, the second step to improve profits would be to open on Sundays.
Am I on the right track here?
The business was established in early 2007 and is apparently not meeting the owner's expectations. I've not eaten at the restaurant yet at this point, but I'm thinking that part of the problem is that they serve a lot of non-bbq items. The owner is also talking about adding breakfast to the menu.
From my personal viewpoint, a bbq restaurant should serve bbq and only bbq. I can see hotdogs for the children's menu or possibly fried chicken, but not Philly cheese steaks.
If a guy just had to have hamburgers on the menu, I'd prefer a "bbq hamburger" and not the traditional McDonald's variety burger.
Here's some more details about the business I'm referring to:
Asking Price: $62,000 (cash, no terms offered)
Gross Revenue: $172,784 (annualized)
Cash Flow: $31,460
Inventory: $2,000 (Included in Asking Price)
FF&E: $15,000 (Included in Asking Price)
Rent: $1,700 per month and 1,100 sq feet with parking
Competition BBQ Secrets
Sunday, October 07, 2007
American Royal Invitational
Congratulations are also in order for Lutz's Famous BBQ for Chicken, Smokin Triggers for Ribs, Pork Me Purple for Pork, and Grillas BBQ Team for Brisket.
I also applaud the recent redesign of the KCBS website at KCBS.us.
Click here for results from the open event held on Sunday.
Competition BBQ Secrets
Memphis BBQ Network
A recent edition of the Barbecue News announced that the Memphis in May organization is changing their methods of operation and strategy for bbq contest promotion. A letter was mailed to cook teams announcing the changes.
I don't compete in MIM contests, but I found it unusual that they chose to announce the changes without specifically explaining how they plan to "expand the scope" of their organization. I also wonder if the changes they announced has anything to do with the changes the KCBS announced earlier this year.
Sunshine State Chili Pod

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Shane's Rib Shack
Before I describe our impressions of the meal, I'd like to give you some background on Shane's. According to the website, Shane is a real person that used to have a corporate job. He took an old family recipe for bbq sauce and created a chain of bbq restaurants that is spreading it's influence across the country.
Getting back to our lunch yesterday...it was dissapointing.
The bbq sauce was good, but the ribs weren't much more than luke warm. They were charred with some type of black substance that reminded me of steaks that I used to cook on the grill when I was about 13 years old. The ribs were on the dry side and absent of any smoke flavor or smoke ring. The chopped pork wasn't warm at all--actually c0ld--but it did have a nice hint of vinegar flavor. The chicken fingers don't belong on the menu at a bbq restaurant, but I realize that kids like chicken so that probably explains why they are included on the "bbq sampler" platter. When I was a kid, I'd have rather eaten bbq, but I realize most kids like chicken tenders. The fried okra and baked beans were the best part of our lunch. I recommend the fried okra. It wasn't as good as home cooked, but it was close.
I realize that my experience is based upon one single restaurant on one single day, so I'll probably give them another chance sometime, but our lunch experience yesterday was a huge dissapointment.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Famous Dave's Barbecue
The decor reminds me a lot of Logan's Road House and even Cracker Barrel in certain aspects, but it's hard to argue with Mr. Anderson's success in the bbq world.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
BBQ Smoker Surprise
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Backwoods Smoker
The Backwoods Smoker "Party" was my first real smoker. I paid $700 for it five-years ago. They've added some newer models in the last few years including the Jr. Pro, Piglet, Chubby and Fat Boy. The Party has been reformulated to include the previously optional upgraded stainless steel door and upgraded charcoal grate as standard options.
The web site has been redesigned too and now includes an owners gallery.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Virginia Barbecue, in Florida?
A search for Virginia BBQ returned information about a Virginia bbq restaurant franchise opportunity. For a $20,000 franchise fee they will sell you a franchise for their bbq concept. The Washington Post wrote an article about one of the first franchisees recently.
I found web sites about authentic Virginia hams from the Edwards family and a link to Alicia's Recipes, which has a recipe specifically for West Virginia barbeque. I've got to tell you that if Virginia bbq is like the western variety talked about at Alicia's, I'm not sure I want any because Alicia likes to cover her bbq meat with water, bring it to a boil, and simmer it until tender. Par boiling isn't my idea of authentic anything.
I also discovered the online home for the Silver Pig Barbeque, which has an interesting logo on their web page that reminds me of life on the family pig farm dating back about 25 years.
I tried and tried, but apparently Google hasn't discovered authentic Virginia barbecue yet, because after 30 minutes of searching, I did not find the essence of what makes Virginia so much different than Florida bar-be-que.
I think the folks at Hickory Hollow Barbecue need to review their marketing techniques. I wonder how many others like me don't really know Virginia bbq from any other 'ole bbq sold on the side of the road. Other than the owner being from Virginia, I haven't the slightest idea what it really means.
Can you help a BBQ guy out, and help me understand?
Barbecue Charcoal Trivia
Henry Ford is also credited as the inventor of the automotive assembly line as we know it today.
If you ever visit Detroit, MI, take the time to visit the Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI. You'll be glad you made the trip.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Stuffed BBQ Pork Loin
I cooked a stuffed pork loin today based on the Pork Loin Mexicana recipe printed in the Smoke & Spice book by Cheryl and Bill Jamison.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Why I compete in barbecue contests
1) Learning to cook better: My quest to learn how to cook southern style barbecue started on the internet almost 7-years ago after a visit to Smokey Hale's barbecuen.com website. I used my kettle grill, Kingsford charcoal briquettes, and an aluminum pie pan filled with water to cook some pretty good pork roasts. I still like a good pork roast with a mustard based bbq sauce. Cooking in contests have helped me flatten the learning curve and focus my efforts to improve the final product. My bbq has improved dramatically.
2) Spending time with family and friends: I cook in bbq contests with my wife, Linda. She's been there with me from the beginning. She has been there for all the Saturday and Sunday afternoon practice cooks. She has been there for all the contests we've cooked and she has been there as we have spent a large portion of our discretionary entertainment budget on bbq supplies, equipment, and tools for these past five or six years.
I've met some great friends at bbq contests. Weapons of Mass Barbecuing, ZZ Que, Pork of the North, All Day Smoke, HomeBBQ.com, and Kick the Tire Light the Fire immediately come to mind.
My familly has also been supportive of my efforts. Besides my brothers and mother who have helped me market The BBQ Guy's spice rubs my dad has also spent a lot of time helping me convert a run of the mill cargo trailer into a rolling bbq contest kitchen.
3) Business opportunties: My contest efforts are coupled with promotion of TheBBQGuy.com and my bbq blog. I continue to be surprised at the ability of the internet to cross social barriers and territorial boundries to promote bbq to thousands of people across the country and even around the world through my websites. There are many websites about bbq. I'm just happy to have two of them that are somewhat successful. I attribute their success to my participation in bbq contests.
4) Earning prize money: Let's face it, bbq contests are very expensive for the average competitors. The typical team will spend at least $250 on meat, $200 in entry fees, $200-500 on transportation, food, lodging, and supplies to attend an event. These figures can vary a little by region of the country and distance traveled, but they are typical based on my own experience and research. Without the ability to earn prize money and recoup some of these expensives, participation in bbq contests would be cost prohibitive for me and many others. As long as there are entry fees, travel costs, and meat expenses, I believe there has to be prize money. If I don't win some money, I simply cannot afford to compete as much.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Churrasco - Brazilian Barbecue
The basic gaucho recipe consists of salt, garlic, and water used to baste steak filets. In some countries skirt steak, flank steak, and tenderloin beef are used. The meat is skewered and cooked directly over fire and is turned periodically to prevent burning. After the meat starts to brown it's basted with the salt and garlic mixture. This is typically at least a two hour process.
It's difficult to prepare real churrasco on a kettle grill because the meat is placed too close to the fire. A churrasqueira is a purpose built grill that is often used to prepare churrasco in the back yard. For those a little more ambitious and who want to prepare large quantitites of churrasco for a restaurant or catering operation, JR Manufacturing has a large model that looks promising and HickoryBBQ.com has some nice pictures too.
For personal use Fogazzo offers a smaller model that is perfect for backyard use. By the way, Fogazzo also offers some nice looking pre-cast materials that will help you build your own outdoor oven, even if you're not a brick mason.
Monday, August 27, 2007
BBQ Ribs
Our favorite included Ole Ray's Apple and Cinnamon sauce with Blues Hog bbq rub. The sweetness of the Ole Ray's sauce combines nicely with the Blues Hog rub.
The ribs were cooked for 3 hours meat side up, wrapped in a honey and dark brown sugar mixture with a little apple juice and then foiled for an hour. I unfoiled and applied finishing sauce for the last 15 minutes. They came out tender and juicy just like I like them.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
BBQ Pork Ribs and Boston Butts
Electronic Temperature Controllers
I personally know someone that owns a Backwoods Smoker, a WSM, an original FE pellet cooker, a Dominizer, a Stumps, and a Caldera knock down design "box" smoker. All are good smokers and all cook excellent bbq, but some are newer designs than others and some have more little tricks and gadgets involved than others.
I tried to convince myself that I need to give in and purchase an electronic temperature controller too, but reached the conclusion that it's something I just don't need. My cookers will hold a steady temperature for hours and hours on end without a thermostat to control them.
As far as I can tell, there are only three reasons you absolutely have to buy a thermostat controller for your bbq cooker.
1. You like to play with the newest and most trendy "gadget" available.
2. You have a lot of extra money burning a hole in your blue jeans.
2. You own a bbq cooker that is so poorly designed it won't hold a steady temperature without an electronic thermostat.
Competition BBQ Secrets
Citrus BBQ Sauce
(The basic recipe comes from R. and D. Herring in Richmond, TX, but I did not follow it exactly as written.)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Where to buy knives
The Knife Merchant online is an excellent source for your next knife purchase.
They carry a wide variety of knives including Global, Kyocera, Wusthof, Forschner, Messermeister, Shun, and many others.
I recently did a search for standard meat cleavers on their web site. Click here to read the results.
BBQ Tri Tip Bottom Sirloin Beef Roast
Friday, August 10, 2007
National BBQ Rankings
I've always wondered why the Team of the Year standings weren't published at KCBS.us for sanctioned barbecue events. The Florida Barbeque Association has provided event by event scores and Team of the Year standings on their web site for years. In fact, they usually have them posted within 24-48 hours of the event conclusion.
Some loyal barbecue fans over at the National BBQ Rankings web site have started a valuable service for bbq fans. NationalBBQRankings.com launched recently to provide an online source for KCBS Team of the Year standings on a week by week basis. I applaud the effort. Now we'll be able to follow along throughout the year and see what teams are on the rise and which ones are on the decline for KCBS Team of the Year.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Peck's Chicken
While there, I noticed a brochure advertising a "ground floor" opportunity to start a Peck's Fame Broiled Chicken restaurant. The brochure advertised a "variety of investment options" including "management/ownership and geography territory exclusive right packages".
The restuarant near our house is apparently the 2nd location in existence, so this is truly a ground floor / start-up opportunity.
For anyone looking for a restaurant start-up opportunity, you might want to learn more about Peck's Flame Broiled Chicken.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Griller Grouper Sandwich
It seems that some restaurants who were charging premium prices for grouper were actually serving a fake grouper. But, that may have been a blessing in disguise because some published reports claim that due to the level of mercury contamination in grouper, it's not healthy to eat it more than a couple times per month.
To read more about the "great grouper controversy", visit the St. Petersburg Times newspaper.
It turns out all this fake grouper has improved the overall quantity of "real" grouper stocks at your favorite fishing spots.
BBQ Blues
I've been visiting my usual bbq favorite sites including The BBQ Forum, White Trash BBQ, Florida Barbeque Association, and Kansas City Barbeque Society and thought I'd listen to a little blues music. I ran across an online radio station I wanted to share call Blues Man . In the past few minutes I've listened to classic by blues heavy weights like Billie Holiday, John Lee Hooker, and Johnny Winter. They throw in some little known/unknown artists too like Big Mike Welch (not too bad at that).
If that's not you particular flavor for blues, then here's another option....Pandora Radio . I typed in Stevie Ray Vaughn in the search box and it searched for stations that play that type of music. Within seconds I was listening to Lonnie Mack singing "From Nashville to Memphis" and next Albert Lee playing "That's Alright Mama: From Country Fever to Black Crow". I really like this service from Pandora Radio. I guarantee I'll be a regular user.
Do you have some favorite bbq music online stations you'd like to share?
Friday, August 03, 2007
Cheaters, Cheaters Everywhere
Whatever happened to good old fashioned compeition? You know....the kind where the best team wins.
Recently I was asked if I've ever witnessed cheating at bbq contests.
I don't necessarily think it's common place, but I'm sure it does occur. I've seen some things that are questionable at several contests ranging from a team using a crock pot to heat their bbq sauce before dipping their chicken in it a few minutes before turn-in to a team showing up to a KCBS sanctioned event at 6 a.m., cooking all four categories and finishing in the top-5 overall.
I've also witnessed some questionable meat inspectors who didn't actually inspect the meat being cooked before it was prepped. I've seen meat sitting out at room temperature from 10 p.m. at night, when the team went back to their motel to sleep, until they returned to put it on the cooker at 5 a.m. (they were awarded Reserve Grand Champion at the event).
The bottom line.....whether it's bbq, baseball, basketball, football, cycling, track and field, or whatever; some people will go to great lengths to win-at-all-costs. My take on it....if you need the money that bad, you can have it. I prefer to win the old fashioned way...as a result of my own personal efforts and dedication.
But the biggest thing that irks me in particular at a bbq contest are quiet hours violations. At one contest the team next to us stayed up all night playing their loud music and drinking so much they were too drunk to cook. Just before their wives came the next morning they started being real nice to Linda (hoping she wouldn't mention it to their wives).
Sunday, July 29, 2007
BBQ Rub Secret
Instead of buying more rub, tweak the rub you've been using by adding a little more salt, more sugar, or a little of both.
I started out my bbq hobby with Head Country All Purpose Seasoning. It's a basic bbq rub that has been used in bbq competitions with much success. In fact, I predict it's the basic formula that many, many bbq teams are using for their brisket rub. It's a little tame for my tastes, but that's easily cured by adding some white pepper, a little more cayenne, or fresh ground pepper to the mix.
For bbq spare ribs, try equal parts Head Country and brown sugar. If you don't get the results you hoped for add more or less sugar and try it again.
If you'd like to buy some of my personal brisket rub, visit TheBBQGuy.com. You won't be dissapointed.
BBQ Blog Statistics
If you have a bbq oriented web site and would to exchange links with us, please send me an e-mail or leave a comment below.