Santa Maria Tri Tip is really more a particular style of grilling than an exact recipe, but if you do a quick Google search for Tri Tip Recipes, you'll find at least a hundred web sites that detail the Santa Maria style for cooking this particular cut of beef. Most recipes recommend using a a bbq grill with an adjustable grate and oak wood for flavor. I decided to use my Weber Smokey Mountain.
I prepared a simple beef rub and liberally seasoned the meat.
Tri Tip Rub
2 tbsp Kosher salt
2 tbsp garlic salt
2 tbsp onion powder
2 tbsp black pepper
I prepared a 225 degree fire and added some apple chunks for seasoning.
I placed the tri tip roast on the lower grate in the WSM. The tri tip was cooked for 15 minutes on either side to help seal the juices. I inserted a temperature probe and cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees, which took about 45 minutes.
BBQ Tip: Tri tips are not a well marbled as a brisket or pork butt, so you'll get better results if you cook this cut quicker than you would typically cook using the WSM. I opened the bottom air vents and let the cooker temperature rise to 300 degrees.
If you want a medium rare tri tip, you may want to pull the meat off the grill a little earlier because the meat continued to cook while resting. By the time I sliced it open, the tri tip was closer to medium well than medium rare, which is what I actually wanted anyway.
I sauced my tri tip with Ole Ray's Apple Cinnamon Barbecue Sauce.
If you try this recipe, you'll want to flip the meat periodically to ensure it doesn't burn on either side. I flipped it about every 20 minutes in the WSM and it came out perfectly.
Thanks for the inspiration. I am grilling an eye round for dinner tonight (yeah, not tri tip, but you got me thinking).
I rubbed it with a quicky "cajun" rub (pepper, red pepper, crushed granulated garlic, crushed granulated garlic, salt, etc) and seared each side an inch from the hot lump.
Now it's sitting to the side over a drip pan at 275, and I baste every 15-20 minutes w/ a tomato broth.
I have chopped red potatoes, carrots, fresh thyme, fresh garlic, olive oil, pepper, salt and a splash or 4 of beer in a sealed foil pouch.
Damn.....I'm hungry at this point!
In a foil pouch
Looks really good! I wish we could get tri tip around here but nobody has it. We have something called a spoon roast, which from what I understand includes 2 parts of the trip tip. It smokes up nicely.
I can't believe that nobody mentioned the GREAT platter that the tri tip was displayed on. Some wonderful BBQ wife (like me) went to her local Hallmark and purchased it at a ridiculous price just for her BBQ Guy!!!
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