Linda and I spent the day traveling today. Linda drove while I caught on some reading assignments. The picture above is a view from a hill on the farm where Linda grew up near Beechgrove, TN. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's so green and peaceful.
It's 84 degrees here today and bright sunshine. I couldn't help but notice that the corn is about a foot higher in the fields than most of the corn we've seen in Michigan to this point. It looks like the growing season in Tennessee is about 3 - 4 weeks ahead of Michigan.
We cooked some bbq last week, froze it, and brought down for our nephew's high school graduation dinner on Saturday.
In Kentucky, we noticed several bbq cookers heading the opposite direction and there's a new bbq restaurant in the Murfreesboro area I'd like to check out. I noticed the billboard on I-24 in the vincinity of Smyrna.
Anyone familar with that one? I'm looking for directions. The name is Nick and Jim's if I remember correctly. On second thought, I know it's got Nick in the name, but I'm not sure if Jim is the second part or if it's someone else, but nonetheless I'd like the check it out while we're here this weekend.
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