
Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Fried turkey is faster, easier, and tastes better. After taking two turkeys to work for a department lunch, the third of the week was pretty easy.

I injected them with Shake's Honey Brine and fried them 3 1/2 minutes per pound at 325 degrees. I used cottonseed oil for the first two and peanut oil for ours. Cottonseed oil is about $15 cheaper (and I couldn't taste any difference).

Linda made rhubarb pie for desert.


t2ed said...

I don't think I've even seen cottonseed oil.

Where did you nab it?

I did two for a department lunch as well so I opted for beef on the famdamily's real Turkey Day.

The BBQ Guy said...

We picked it up at the local Target.